Resources for

Climate change


: Nov 19 – Mar 3, 2025

Climate Smart Communities Initiative

The Climate Smart Communities Initiative (CSCI) provides funding, expertise, training, and other resources to help communities advance their climate resilience plans and projects while also developing the strategies and capacities that communities nationwide will need as climate impacts intensify.

New York State
Connecticut State
Nature-based Solutions
Sea Level Rise
Environmental Justice
Extreme Weather & Storms
Community Engagement
Green Infrastructure


: Sep 26 – Jan 22, 2024


Environmental Education Centers and Disadvantaged Communities Grant

$7 million is available in competitive grant funding in New York for community-based, not-for-profit, and tribal organizations to support the construction, or renovation of existing facilities, to create community environmental education centers, which will offer classes and programs on environmental awareness. The centers must be located within or serve a disadvantaged community Disadvantaged Communities Criteria – New York’s Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act or an environmental justice community Maps & Geospatial Information System (GIS) Tools For Environmental Justice and will help inspire exploration, discovery, and learning about the environment. Funding for this grant opportunity is provided from the State’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF).

New York State
Nature-based Solutions
Environmental Health Hazards
Economic Impacts
Environmental Justice
Stormwater Management
Extreme Weather & Storms
Community Engagement
Waste Management
Green Infrastructure


: Jul 1 – Aug 30, 2024

$250K - $500K

Environmental Justice Data Fund

The second round of grantmaking for the Environmental Justice Data Fund (EJDF) will be supported by a $4 million fund. The EJDF aims to help frontline communities historically underserved and disproportionately impacted by climate change and environmental injustice in the United States use data to address environmental hazards, with special attention to matters regarding air and water quality. The EJDF will support eligible organizations to unlock resources, increase their access to federal infrastructure funding, and advocate for new policies that empower communities to address past environmental harm and pave the way to a more sustainable, climate-resilient future.

New York State
Connecticut State
Environmental Health Hazards
Environmental Justice
Water Quality
Community Engagement


: May 9 – Aug 16, 2024

Climate Change Risk Assessment Technical Assistance for Water Sector Utilities

EPA’s Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative is offering no-cost climate change risk assessment technical assistance to drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities, as well as other water sector stakeholders. Through this technical assistance process, CRWU will assist approximately 75 water sector utilities / communities in identifying long-term climate change adaptation strategies, as well as potential funding options to implement adaptive measures.

New York State
Connecticut State
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Waste Management
Green Infrastructure


Level of Effort:

The Fifth National Climate Assessment

The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.

New York State
Connecticut State
Nature-based Solutions
Environmental Health Hazards
Sea Level Rise
Economic Impacts
Extreme Weather & Storms


How Will Climate Change Impact Connecticut?

Continued changes to the climate around the world and in Connecticut are inevitable – the consequences of these changes, or climate impacts, are being experienced by Connecticut residents today and will continue to evolve in the coming decades. While it is not possible to say for certain what it will be like to live here in the future, this webinar by UConn CLEAR and CT Sea Grant will detail what we do know about expected changes to precipitation patterns, temperatures, and coastlines, along with how the challenges of climate change may be experienced differently by different communities. A new tool from the Long Island Sound Study, the Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub website, will also be highlighted. This website can help communities in NY and CT learn, plan, and implement climate resilient strategies by providing information, case studies, and funding opportunities.

Connecticut State
Environmental Health Hazards
Sea Level Rise
Extreme Weather & Storms


: Feb 28 – May 28, 2024

$200,000 - $3,000,000

Clean Ports Program: Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides EPA with $3 billion to fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure as well as climate and air quality planning at U.S. ports. This new funding program will build on EPA’s Ports Initiative that helps our nation’s ports, a critical part of our infrastructure and supply chain, address public health and environmental impacts on surrounding communities. EPA has announced two separate Notices of Funding Opportunities to disburse the allocated $3 billion – the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition AND the Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition.

New York State
Connecticut State
Environmental Health Hazards
Economic Impacts
Community Engagement


Level of Effort:

Connecticut Physical Climate Science Assessment Report (PCSAR)

This study by Seth et al. provides up-to-date information on observed trends and projections of temperature and precipitation in Connecticut.

Connecticut State
Environmental Health Hazards
Extreme Weather & Storms

typically $4M-6M

NOAA Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants

NOAA is seeking proposals for transformational projects that will restore coastal habitat and strengthen community resilience under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

This funding will prioritize habitat restoration actions that rebuild productive and sustainable fisheries, contribute to the recovery and conservation of threatened and endangered species, use natural infrastructure to reduce damage from flooding and storms, promote resilient ecosystems and communities, and yield socioeconomic benefits. This funding opportunity will invest in projects that have the greatest potential to provide holistic benefits, through habitat-based approaches that strengthen both ecosystem and community resilience.

New York State
Connecticut State
Land Use
Nature-based Solutions
Sea Level Rise
Aquatic Resources
Water Quality
Extreme Weather & Storms
Green Infrastructure


Superstorm Sandy Review Task Force Report to the Legislature: Looking to the Past to Prepare for the Future

The Superstorm Sandy Review Task Force conducted an in-depth review of the preparation for and response to Superstorm Sandy in Suffolk County by government agencies, first responders, nonprofits and private sector entities to determine which measures were effective and what actions must be taken in the future to increase resiliency and improve response to extreme weather events.

New York State
Sea Level Rise
Extreme Weather & Storms
Policies & Regulations

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut