Resources for

Climate change


How Will Climate Change Impact Connecticut?

Continued changes to the climate around the world and in Connecticut are inevitable – the consequences of these changes, or climate impacts, are being experienced by Connecticut residents today and will continue to evolve in the coming decades. While it is not possible to say for certain what it will be like to live here in the future, this webinar by UConn CLEAR and CT Sea Grant will detail what we do know about expected changes to precipitation patterns, temperatures, and coastlines, along with how the challenges of climate change may be experienced differently by different communities. A new tool from the Long Island Sound Study, the Long Island Sound Resilience Resource Hub website, will also be highlighted. This website can help communities in NY and CT learn, plan, and implement climate resilient strategies by providing information, case studies, and funding opportunities.

Environmental Health Hazards
Sea Level Rise
Extreme Weather & Storms


: Feb 28 – May 28, 2024

$200,000 - $3,000,000

Clean Ports Program: Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides EPA with $3 billion to fund zero-emission port equipment and infrastructure as well as climate and air quality planning at U.S. ports. This new funding program will build on EPA’s Ports Initiative that helps our nation’s ports, a critical part of our infrastructure and supply chain, address public health and environmental impacts on surrounding communities. EPA has announced two separate Notices of Funding Opportunities to disburse the allocated $3 billion – the Zero-Emission Technology Deployment Competition AND the Climate and Air Quality Planning Competition.

Environmental Health Hazards
Economic Impacts
Community Engagement


Level of Effort:

Connecticut Physical Climate Science Assessment Report (PCSAR)

This study by Seth et al. provides up-to-date information on observed trends and projections of temperature and precipitation in Connecticut.

Environmental Health Hazards
Extreme Weather & Storms


Superstorm Sandy Review Task Force Report to the Legislature: Looking to the Past to Prepare for the Future

The Superstorm Sandy Review Task Force conducted an in-depth review of the preparation for and response to Superstorm Sandy in Suffolk County by government agencies, first responders, nonprofits and private sector entities to determine which measures were effective and what actions must be taken in the future to increase resiliency and improve response to extreme weather events.

Sea Level Rise
Extreme Weather & Storms
Policies & Regulations

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut