2 days
remaining to apply
Open: Due on Jan 17, 2025
varies by grant type
CT DEEP Clean Water Fund Priority List
Through the Clean Water Fund, CT DEEP is able to provide grants and low-interest loans for infrastructure projects to meet clean water needs such as addressing combined sewer overflows, nutrient pollution, wastewater collection infrastructure needs, and projects using green infrastructure and addressing resiliency. See the Priority List Memo and Project Request Form for updates.
Additional Information:
DEEP is preparing the Clean Water Fund Priority List for FY 2026 and FY 2027 (7/1/25 – 6/30/27) and is requesting information on any planning, design, or construction projects you intend to start during the time period listed above. For FY26-27, note that there is a Green Components section for identifying components that will either provide a reduction in energy consumption, reduce inflow and infiltration, or install various types of green infrastructure.
Funding Agencies:
Frequency Details:
Match Requirement:
varies by grant type
Stormwater Management
Water Quality
Waste Management
Green Infrastructure