1 month

remaining to apply


Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund (LISCIF) 2025 RFA

EPA Long Island Sound Study announced the second round of this Environmental Justice program focused on the Long Island Sound watershed area within New York and Connecticut. The purpose of the Long Island Sound Community Impact Fund (LISCIF) is to provide technical and financial assistance to communities with environmental justice concerns to address environmental issues and improve the quality and accessibility of the Long Island Sound. Technical assistance will be provided through LISCIF and is available to communities/organizations even if one does not submit a funding proposal.  

Additional Information:
Eligible projects and activities will be community driven and address challenges/risks faced by communities experiencing environmental justice issues. Funding is available for: - Projects that result in quantifiable pollutant prevention or reduction. - Restoring habitat within the Important Coastal Habitat Types targeted by LISS. - Projects that foster a diverse balance and abundant populations of fish, birds, and wildlife. - Public engagement, knowledge, and stewardship. - Projects that enhance community resilience and sustainability. - Planning and design that sets–the-stage for implementation of water quality projects, eligible habitat restoration projects, and resilience projects. - Community-based science projects. - Data management and integration projects. - Other similar activities that the applicant proposes, and EPA approves consistent with section 119 of the Clean Water Act.
Funding Agencies: Restore America's Estuaries, USEPA
Frequency Details: Annual; two-step application process: a Letter of Intent (LOI), followed by a limited number of invited, full proposals. LOIs are due by November 22, 2024. Upon selection and invitation, full proposals are due by March 14, 2025.
Match Requirement: None
New York State
Connecticut State
Nature-based Solutions
Environmental Justice
Water Quality
Community Engagement
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut