$50K-$2M for implementation grants, $10K-200K for certification grants

NYS Climate Smart Communities

The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Grant program was established in 2016 to provide 50/50 matching grants to cities, towns, villages, and counties of the State of New York for eligible climate change mitigation, adaptation, and planning and assessment projects. Funds are available for two broad project categories – implementation and certification. The first project category supports implementation projects related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change adaptation. The second supports planning and assessment projects aligned with NYS Climate Smart Communities certification actions.

Additional Information:
Applications are accepted annually through the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA). Municipalities need not be a registered or certified as a Climate Smart Community to apply for a grant.
Eligibility: Local Government Entity
Frequency Details: CFA/ Annually, May-July
New York State
Nature-based Solutions
Environmental Health Hazards
Sea Level Rise
Stormwater Management
Incentive Programs
Extreme Weather & Storms
Policies & Regulations
Waste Management
Green Infrastructure
Open Resource

Resilience Steps


EPA Sea Grant New York Sea Grant Connecticut